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SciFi Genre

Image result for yellow 5 star amazon This book was a real nail-biter at times. I can hardly wait for the next book. (No pressure! Just hurry! lol) The characters were easy to identify with (except for the General, of course) and the world-building was believable. ~myladykay


Image result for yellow 5 star amazon I loved reading this book, loved the creative story, character development, adventure, and lots of action that captivates and keeps you wanting more. This is a very promising new author and storyline. Well worth the time and effort. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Enjoy! ~cheesers


Image result for yellow 5 star amazon Great plot. The author melded the characters into the plot in a very polished manner. I really want more concerning the characters. The author give a short story about the main character and I thought it was well written but want more about this character. All in all I highly recommend this author and this book to all sci-fi readers. ~Russ92

Western Genre

Image result for yellow 5 star amazon This novella (a work of fiction between an novel and short story in length, fyi) is the perfect escape for the busy person (and who isn’t these days?) who loves to read but doesn’t have the time for a weightier read. Ron does a fantastic job of taking you out into the West, keeping you engaged, and leaving you satisfied—but with just enough of a cliff hanger to whet your appetite for the next book in this series. Loved it! ~Michele P


Image result for yellow 5 star amazon I enjoyed this book very much, and I am patiently waiting for Part 2 to see how this all shakes out for Travis. I read every western I can get my hands on, and knowing we have a new author is exciting. Keep up the good work! ~Sally M.


Image result for yellow 5 star amazon I gave it 5 stars because there wasn’t anything I didn’t like about it. It seemed very real unlike some westerns that use a lot of cliches goofy language to tell the story. Can’t wait for part 2. ~LevelII